Nearly Two-Thirds of Voters – Including Half of Democrats – Want Border Security in Budget Deal

Craig Bannister | September 25, 2023
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As the nation’s illegal immigration crisis intensifies, nearly two-thirds of voters say they want border security measures included in the next spending bill, even as a partial government shutdown looms if Republicans and Democrats don’t agree by Saturday on whether or not to increase government spending.

A national Rasmussen survey conducted last week asked U.S. likely voters if they “support or oppose making border security part of the negotiations for a new spending bill.”

In response, 63% said they either “strongly support” (43%) or “somewhat support” including border security in the spending bill. Seven percent said they weren’t sure, leaving 30% opposed.

Even half of self-described Democrat voters said they support including border security:

  • 80% of Republicans, 50% of Democrats and 61% of unaffiliated voters at least “somewhat” support including border security in the spending bill.
  • 66% of men and 61% of women support including border security in the spending bill.
  • Young and wealthy voters are both the most likely to oppose a border security measure in the bill.
  • 57% of voters who “strongly approve” of Pres. Joe Biden’s job performance are opposed to including border security in the spending bill.
  • 71% of voters who strongly disapprove of Biden’s performance strongly support making border security part of the spending deal.


Among voters who “strongly support” including border security in the spending bill, 70% would prefer a government shutdown to higher spending.

Voters are much more negative than positive about the impact of illegal immigration, results of a separate Rasmussen survey, conducted September 11-13, reveal:

  • By more than three to one, voters say illegal immigration has made their schools worse (39%), rather than better (11%).
  • By a three-to-one margin, voters say illegal immigration has made their local job market worse (33%), not better (11%).
  • By five-to-one, they say illegal immigration has made their local health care system worse (40%), as opposed to better (8%).
  • Democrats, Biden supporters and voters making more than $200,000 annually have the most positive view of the impact of illegal immigration.


Meanwhile, the number of immigrants surging across the border into the U.S. has already set a fiscal year (FY) record, with six days left in FY 2023. As a result, border towns have been overwhelmed and thrown into a state of emergency. Texas has taken to installing its own border security structures, in the face of active opposition by the Biden Administration, which has removed wire fences and sued to stop the state from employing border buoys to keep out illegal immigrants seeking to break into the U.S. over waterways.

Since Saturday is the last day of the fiscal year, a partial government shutdown would be triggered if a new spending bill is not passed and signed:

  • 48% of voters support a partial government shutdown until Congress agrees to either cut spending or keep it unchanged.
  • 40% would have Congress approve a higher spending level, in order to avoid a shutdown.
  • 12% aren’t sure which they’d prefer.


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