RFK, Jr. Visits Arizona, Releases Video Exposing Border Horrors

Craig Bannister | August 22, 2024

Pres. Joe Biden’s executive orders opening up the southwest border to allow illegal immigrants to surge into the U.S. are just anti-American “political pettiness,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says in a new video recapping his recent visit to Arizona.

Local Arizona law enforcement officers in the video recount to Kennedy the types of horrors that are taking place in their communities as a result of Biden’s open border policies – such as deadly high-speed chases, fatalities from an influx of fentanyl, and cartels recruiting school kids to traffic drugs and illegal aliens.

“I’ve been down here 52 years and the border is in the worst shape that it’s ever been. It’s just a fact,” one high-ranking law enforcement official told Kennedy, while several sheriffs reported that the number illegal aliens entering their communities has soared under Biden.

One sheriff told Kennedy that effective government policy is more vital to securing the border than an increase in border agents:

“Enforce the policies, enforce the rule of law, and I guarantee that we stop this border problem.”

The law enforcement officers also detailed how cartels control the border, use social media to recruit school kids and employ “coordinators” on both sides of the border to traffic people and drugs.

After hearing their stories, Kennedy declared the border crisis an “existential threat” to the nation.