‘Was Biden the Kid in The Sixth Sense?’ Sen. Cruz Asks, After Biden Claims He Talked to Long-Dead Mitterrand

Craig Bannister | February 6, 2024
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“Was Biden the Kid in The Sixth Sense?” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) asked, after Pres. Biden claimed that, after taking office, he’d spoken with former French President Emmanuel Mitterrand - who has been dead for nearly thirty years.

Sen. Cruz’s reference to the 1999 film “The Sixth Sense,” in which a young boy talks to a dead child psychologist played by Bruce Willis, was a social media comment on remarks a confused Biden made at a campaign event in Las Vegas, Nevada on Sunday.

“I see dead people” is an iconic line from the film.

Biden even got the long-dead former French president’s country wrong – saying he was from Germany - before going on to claim he’d spoken to Mitterrand.

A transcript of the president’s remarks posted on the White House website corrects Biden, noting that the current president of France is Emmanuel Macron. But, it also shows that Biden appears to have referred to Mitterrand as a German leader a second time (“Chancellor of Germany”):

“You know, right — right after I was elected, I went to what they call a G7 meeting, all the NATO leaders.  And it was in — it was in the south of England.  And I sat down and I said, “‘America is back.’

“And Mitterrand [Macron], from Germany — I mean, from France looked at me and said — said, ‘You know, what — why — how long you back for?’  (Laughter.)  And I looked at him, and the — and the Chancellor of Germany said, ‘What would you say, Mr. President, if you picked up the paper tomorrow in the London Times, and London Times said, ‘A thousand people break through the House of Commons, break down the doors, two Bobbies are killed in order to stop the election of the Prime Minister.’  What would you say?”