Defense Secretary Mattis Expected to Deploy Troops to Enforce Border

Alex Hall | October 25, 2018

According to CNN, Defense Secretary James Mattis is expected to sign orders today that could deploy more than 800 troops to the U.S.-Mexico border to assist border patrol should the thousands of caravan migrants reach the United States, with the intent of stopping the crowd from entering the country illegally.

CNN also noted that officials have emphasized the troops most likely will not be making direct contact with the migrant caravan themselves, and that if they are carrying weapons, they will be used solely for self-defensive purposes.

The migrant caravan has been a catalyst for debates both among the electorate and among politicians themselves. According to the Daily Caller's coverage:

Current U.S. law requires a lengthy asylum adjudication process and the Trump administration believes many migrants are using loopholes in U.S. law to illegally immigrate. These laws could mitigate the effectiveness of Trump’s deployment.