Delta Says Only 13 Passengers Have Ever Bought Tickets With Their NRA Discount

Brittany M. Hughes | March 2, 2018

This may just be the funniest thing you see all day. Well, except for Snopes fact-checking a satirical story about CNN using a magical washing machine to generate fake news.

Actually…no. This is funnier.

Delta Airlines made the news last week for being one of the first companies to announce they’d ended their discount program with the NRA following the Valentine's Day shooting at a Florida high school that left 17 people dead – a shooting that, by the way, had absolutely nothing to do with the NRA.

Despite that, Delta made a knee-jerk move to get on the good side of anti-NRA gun control activists, who’ve since targeted any company that's refused to condemn the Second Amendment group and its 5 million-plus law-abiding members.

But here’s where it gets hilarious: apparently, only 13 passengers have ever used their NRA discount to buy Delta airline tickets.


And here’s the real kicker: thanks to Delta targeting law-abiding gun owners by discontinuing their NRA discount program, the Georgia state legislature stripped a provision from a tax bill this week that would have granted Delta nearly $40 million in jet fuel tax breaks, a pre-recession set up that the airline’s been lobbying to get back ever since they

According to a USA Today report, the airline said only 13 passengers ever bought tickets with an NRA discount.

“That translates into each discount costing the airline about $3 million in tax breaks,” the report noted.

Now, the airline is scrambling to appear as though they aren’t targeting gun owners, announcing this week that Delta is reviewing all of its discount programs to weed out others that might be seen as “political.”

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what you get for putting optics above common sense.

(Cover Photo: Andrei Dimofte)