Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee on Current Day "North" and "South" Vietnam

Joe Schoffstall | July 16, 2010

Moe Lane at Redstate came across this gem of Sheila Jackson Lee speaking about what she called "North" and "South" Vietnam. Problem is, as Lane indicates, there is no "South" Vietnam-- it was conquered by the North in 1975. The reason "South" Vietnam doesn't exist anymore? The Democratic led Senate refused to support the South as tanks from North Vietnam rolled into Saigon. Well, maybe she just misspoke and is referring to North and South Korea? Not so much as Lane points out once again:

Second, and let us dispose of this right now: she’s not talking about North and South Korea.  We know this for three reasons:
  • First off, she was quoting a casualty rate of 58K, which is consistent with Vietnam War American casualties but not Korean War ones;
  • Second, North and South Korea are not anywhere near the point of having normalized relations.  Even by North Korean propaganda standards, which are only compatible by normal reality’s standards by the blindest accident;
  • Third: Rep. Jackson-Lee is a liberal Democratic politician, and they really are that pig-ignorant of American history.

This isn't the first idiotic statement that Rep. Jackson Lee made this week. She told the NAACP that tea partiers are people who once "wore sheets", and then took them off-- obviously referring to the KKK-- which was met with applause from the crowd.

And I thank you professor very much. I’m going to be engaging you with those very powerful numbers that you have offered on what the tea party recognizes, uh, or is recognized as. Might I add my own P.S.? All those who wore sheets a long time ago have now lifted them off and started wearing [applause], uh, clothing, uh, with a name, say, I am part of the tea party. Don’t you be fooled. [voices: "That's right.", applause] Those who used to wear sheets are now being able to walk down the aisle and speak as a patriot because you will not speak loudly about the lack of integrity of this movement. Don’t let anybody tell you that those who spit on us as we were walking to vote on a health care bill for all of America or those who said Congresswoman Jackson-Lee’s braids were too tight in her hair had anything to do with justice and equality and empowerment of the American people. Don’t let them fool you on that [applause].( h/t Fox Nation)

Sometimes these statements uttered by politicians makes you wonder if these people don't have a staff of advisers...