Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel Brings Coat Hanger to Kavanaugh Hearing

Patrick Hauf | July 12, 2018

President Trump’s Supreme Court pick is driving Democrats to the brink of insanity.

Rep. Lois Frankel (D-Fla.) on Wednesday brought a coat hanger to a briefing to denounce Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

The bizarre act is popular amongst liberals, who use coat hangers as a symbol for abortion rights. By bringing the object to the hearing, Frankel is alluding to the potential decisions of a Justice Kavanaugh, whom liberals are afraid could help overturn Roe v. Wade.

Washington Examiner reporter Laura Barron-Lopez reported that Frankel said at the pen and pad event, “I'm alarmed that five men will take us [back] to these days, I call them days of coat hanger medicine.”

A Politico reporter tweeted that during the briefing, Frankel told a personal story of how she found her friend “nearly dead” after attempting to perform a back alley abortion.  

Senate Republicans only need a simple majority to approve Justice Kavanaugh, which puts the Democrats, who are currently in the minority, in an almost powerless position. The coat hanger strategy from congresswoman Frankel is likely just the beginning of the Democrats’ desperate scare tactics.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated that he plans to have a vote on Justice Kavanaugh by this fall. 

(Cover Photo: Stilfehler)