Did He Have a Stroke?! Biden Says 'MAGA Republicans are Calling for Defunding the Police Department'

Nick Kangadis | March 9, 2023
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This isn’t going to be a long one, folks. There’s so much stupid packed into one sentence that came out of the mouth of President Joe Biden that one has to wonder, ‘Did he have a stroke?’

Biden actually said, “MAGA Republicans are calling for defunding the police department.”

Your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you. Almost three years after the entire Democrat Party, along with every communist from Antifa to Black Lives Matter (BLM), said they wanted the police across the country to either be defunded or disbanded, Biden and his staffers had the nerve to write this for the president to say out loud to real, live people.

Related: 'Defund The Police' Rep. Bush Has A Bodygaurd Who Claims He Can Summon Tornadoes

Still don’t believe he said it? Just look:

Biden also said “MAGA Republicans” want to defund the FBI. To be fair, there are a fair portion of people from all walks of life that wouldn’t mind if the FBI just ceased to exist following their years of abusing Americans’ trust. Some wouldn’t go that far, but would say that the FBI should face a major reshuffling.

Either way, Biden saying that Republicans are the ones who want police defunded? Too late, sir. Your party already, in some cases successfully, did that.


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