DNC Chair STILL Can't Name a Difference Between Dems and Socialists

Brittany M. Hughes | October 16, 2015

(Photo Credit: Getty)

Debbie Wasserman Schultz STILL can’t say what the difference is between a Socialist and a Democrat.

During a brief interview with the chair of the Democratic National Committee backstage before the Democratic debate Tuesday in Las Vegas, MRC TV asked Wasserman Schultz a simple question she’s already been asked before -- to describe the difference between a Socialist platform, such as the one supported by Presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.), and the Democratic party line.

Even with plenty of time to ponder the subject, the Florida congresswoman still can’t give a straight answer, and resorted to bashing Republicans for allegedly trying to take health care away from poor people.

Watch Wasserman Schultz’s dodge the question like a truck rounding a pothole in the video below: