Sunday afternoon, the Broward County Sheriff's Department tweeted a picture of their new -- and what looks like expensive -- Dodge Charger.
Our new #dodge #charger. Do you like the paint job?
— Broward Sheriff (@browardsheriff) June 24, 2018
This is the county that was home to the infamous Parkland school shooting earlier this year and where the March for Our Lives movement began.
The Broward County Sheriff's Department was embarrassed after it was revealed that one of their officers remained outside of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School while the shooting occurred and that the department missed several signals about the shooter leading up to the day of the massacre.
That being said, people are lighting up the department on Twitter questioning if this is really the way they should be spending their resources.
Think of all the places the money for this could’ve gone. School safety measures perhaps?
— Caroline Craig (@CeeJayCraig) June 25, 2018
We don’t need more stealthy cruisers to help pull people over, we need a better police force that lets fewer people die.
— Nick Lindquist (@nick_lindquist) June 25, 2018
Parkland survivor and avid Second Amendment advocate, Kyle Kashuv, also chimed in to let the Twitter-sphere know what he thinks:
No, I'd prefer you do your job and not let kids die. Maybe spend the money on... training? Just a thought.
— Kyle Kashuv (@KyleKashuv) June 25, 2018
I wonder if the champions for change Emma Gonzales, David Hogg, and Cameron Kasky will tell the sheriff what they think, too.