Elon Musk Links Abortion To Civilizational Collapse

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | April 19, 2023
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What’s gonna happen if every baby that’s created gets murdered before they can draw a free breath? Well, the most basic answer is that there’s gonna be a hell of a lot less babies - and people - in the world. 

Elon Musk noticed this and pointed it out during an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson during an exclusive interview on the “Tucker Carlson Tonight," where Musk suggested humanity might not be able to “sustain our numbers” “if we don’t make enough people.”

And his analysis sparked controversy in the media.

Carlson began by bringing up urges that human beings have, like breathing and eating and having sex, asking Musk how the natural reproductive process has “been subverted.”

“Well, it’s just that in the past, we could rely upon, you know, simple limbic system rewards in order to procreate. But once you have birth control and, you know, abortions and whatnot, now — now you can still satisfy the limbic instinct, but not procreate,” stated Musk, who has been a vocal critic of the United States' declining birth rate.

Musk also stated that he’s worried about how the declining brith rate will affect civilization's sustainability.

You know, if we don’t make enough people to at least sustain our numbers, perhaps increase a little bit, then civilization is going to crumble. There’s the old question of like, “will civilization end with a bang or a whimper?” Well, it’s currently trending to end with a whimper in adult diapers.

Musk finished his tangent by insisting that this is “depressing as hell.” 

Related: Musk Hilariously Reveals How He Runs Twitter With Just 20% of Its Original Staff

Unironically, the father of nine stated in July of last year that he was “doing [his] best to help the underpopulation crisis."

I agree completely, and so do a lot of Twitter users - especially pro-lifers. Students For Life President Kristan Hawkins used the moment to express how abortion will lead to “civilizational collapse.”

Lila Rose, President of Live Action, echoed Hawkins' remarks.  

Meanwhile, the leftist media was pissed. 

Rolling Stone ran with the headline “Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson Discuss The Urge To Impregnate Women.” A random Twitter user called Carlson and Musk “misogynistic bros,” and a hella leftie tweeted a video of the clip - which garnered close to 200,000 views - captioned “just two dudes sitting around, talking about getting down.”

God forbid Musk point out the obvious fact that if we keep killing babies and downing birth control at the rate we do now, one day we’ll have nobody left. And yes, that is “depressing as hell.”

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