Emails Show Fauci Wanted to Alert Alphabet Agencies About 'Lab Leak' While Publicly Calling it a 'Conspiracy Theory'

Nick Kangadis | December 5, 2022
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For those of us that don’t have blinders on whenever the establishment media, politicians and unelected government cronies say pretty much anything, meaning we don’t just blindly take them at their word, we shouted loudly for all to hear the clear truth about the Chinese coronavirus pandemic while simultaneously being called “conspiracy theorists” for doing so.

According to the Washington Examiner, “Dr.” Anthony Fauci knew of the possibility that the virus leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) BEFORE telling the public that it was most likely a conspiracy theory.

Emails unearthed through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests show that Fauci wanted to report to possibility of the “lab leak theory” to the “appropriate authorities” should “everyone agree(s) with this concern.”

Related: WH Trots Out Fauci One Last Time to Push COVID Fear Porn Ahead of the Holidays

However, shortly after that email, Fauci publicly downplayed that same possibility as “conspiracy theories,” while also claiming that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) never funded gain-of-function research at the WIV.

Fauci worked in concert with the World Health Organization (WHO) in steering the conversation away from COVID-19 being an intentionally leaked virus or even accidentally leaked from the WIV.

We all knew. They kept denying. We still knew. They kept lying. Now we all know. They can longer deny. We know more and more every single day. They pretend like they never lied.


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