Media Trolls Demand Smoothies Over ICE | Wacky MOLE

Eric Scheiner | January 31, 2025
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In This Week’s Wacky Moments of Leftist Extremism:

Democratic strategist Jenna Arnold joined CNN to argue that illegal aliens are needed in America for tasks such as picking strawberries and blueberries, claiming “I can’t wait until American women can’t get blueberries for their smoothies” in an expectation of resistance to deportations.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer spent a good part of the week making media appearances using blueberries to argue against Trump administration policies. It seems the left believes blueberries and smoothies will be the tipping point where American women turn on Trump.

RELATED: Media Gives ‘The Bird’ To Trump Inauguration

Right now President Donald Trump is doing better than ever in approval polling. When a CNN data expert delivered the approval facts, CNN News Central anchor Kate Bolduan cried “I have a really hard time believing this!”

We at MRCTV are having a hard time believing the depth of the bias of MSNBC’s Katie Phang who asked former Clinton operative James Carville, “On a fascism scale of one to ten, with ten being peak fascism, how would you rate Trump's first week? 

To watch insane media moments like this and more, watch the video above.

A complete rundown of all the leftist media insanity can be found on MRC’s NewsBusters.

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