ESPN Invites Obama On 'Manningcast,' Who Uses Airtime To Persuade People To Vote

John Simmons | October 25, 2022
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ESPN isn’t even trying to hide the fact that it cares far more about influencing viewers to become progressive disciples than broadcasting sports content free of political influence.

On ESPN’s Manningcast during the Monday Night Football game between the Chicago Bears and the New England Patriots, former NFL quarterbacks Peyton and Eli Manning invited Barack Obama on the show where proceeded to use the vast majority of his on-air time to encourage people to vote in the upcoming midterm elections.

“If you’re unhappy with how things are, the good news is the way our system’s set up; you can actually bring about some change,” Obama said. “As we see in sports, you know, when teams are playing together they can play better than if they are divided.”

Nothing like a speech about unity from a man who regularly advocates for censoring conservative voices on social media and who did more to worsen race relations during his presidential tenure than improve them.

Related: Typical: MSNBC Host Makes Racist Claims about Nonwhite Republican Candidates

The link embedded in this tweet (from the show's official account) was to a DNC-backed website, so while Obama refrained from specifically mentioning any Democratic candidates that he has sponsored in his monologue, the link’s origins and the fact that one of the most liberal presidents in history was invited on the show speaks volumes as to what ESPN and its employees want Americans to do come Nov. 9.

For the sake of all of us ESPN, stop the political pandering. You are accomplishing nothing other than alienating your audience and bringing about your downfall. 

Please, get your focus back on sports.

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