A parental rights organization has bestowed its infamous “Millstone of the Month” award onto a group of South Carolinian librarians who tried to sneak books on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and other left-wing-aligned works into school libraries.
The U.S. Parents Involved in Education (USPIE) highlighted a report from the Daily Signal which revealed that librarians at a South Carolina school district sought to prevent parents from viewing their online card catalog, which included books propagating CRT. In fact, a librarian at Powdersville High School explicitly admitted “we had to remove our card catalogs from online, so parents can’t scour it for critical race theory books” in an email obtained via a Freedom of Information Act Request.
Other emails obtained show similar sentiment, with Librarian Jennifer Chesney complaining that critics of the books “are coming hard at us with book challenges” and adding that “they have their censoring guns loaded.” Chesney also suggested ways to shoehorn discussions about left-wing ideology into the reading curriculum, arguing in favor of discussing “a current something in the zeitgeist, and then have a nuanced discussion with the class about that book’s particular issue.”
Chesney’s approach contrasts sharply with the Anderson School District One spokesman’s contention that the district “strives to be transparent with our students, parents and community members.”
Such egregious violations of parental rights represent part of the issue that the USPIE has taken measures to create and promote alternatives to.
For example, the USPIE has created a blueprint describing the necessary process for dismantling the Department of Education and returning greater control of public education to the local level.
USPIE suggests privatization of loans and sending “all program management and funding to the states including Pell Grants for college.”
USPIE has also produced a documentary drawing attention to the ideological and sexual indoctrination taking place in the public school system, entitled “Truth & Lies in American Education.”
If the state of affairs continues apace in public education, parental organizations like USPIE and others are going to need more blueprints, more supporters…and more millstone awards.