Even MSNBC Says Obama’s State of the Union Address ‘Doesn’t Match Reality’

Monica Sanchez | January 21, 2015

MSNBC hosts Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell discussed how the President failed to talk about the “real world” during his State of the Union address Tuesday night.

CHRIS MATTHEWS: “Because I kept thinking tonight that there’s a real world out there that he didn’t really talk about. And perhaps the over-ambitious notions of where we stood in the war against ISIL, the Islamic State—he doesn’t want to call it the Islamic State, but that’s what they call themselves… Uh, there’s two Japanese people, with no guilt on their shoulders, just staring there out of the desert, who are going to be, apparently, decapitated… Uh, that reality, what is going on in Nigeria is reality.

How close was the President to reality, overall, globally, tonight?

ANDREA MITCHELL: “I think that on foreign policy, his projection of success against terrorism and against ISIS in particular, as I said, is not close to reality. It’s just … they have not come up with a strategy, and they’ve built a global coalition. But again, he talked about Ukraine, he talked about Putin being isolated… Yes, Putin is isolated economically, and the falling oil prices have hammered his economy, but at the same time there is renewed fighting in Donetsk, and we haven’t figured out Ukrainewe haven’t figured out how the NATO alliance can push back. The sanctions have not really worked, and Ukraine is going to need more weaponry, and they have not reached that point.

So, you’re right, Chris. It doesn’t match the reality.