EVIL: Gay Men Reportedly Have Their Baby Killed After Surrogate Gets Breast Cancer

Tierin-Rose Mandelburg | July 20, 2023
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In a heartbreaking revelation shared by Live Action President Lila Rose, word has spread that two gay men hired a woman to serve as a surrogate mother for their child, only to order the child killed when the woman was diagnosed with breast cancer during her pregnancy.

This is exactly why we shouldn’t play God. 

Brittney Pearson was hired to create the gay couple’s “dream family,” as Rose put it. While she was pregnant, Pearson received a breast cancer diagnosis. She needed to undergo chemotherapy treatment, which can harm or even kill a child in utero. Pearson decided that she wanted to deliver the otherwise healthy baby at 25 weeks so that they both had a chance to survive. 

“I want to keep this baby safe and bring it earthside,” Pearson recalled.

But the gay couple demanded that their son be “immediately terminated," suggesting that they didn’t want to face the hassle and potential health effects of a baby born so prematurely. 

As Rose noted on her Twitter feed, when Pearson refused to abort the child and even offered to adopt it herself, the gays “threatened legal action” and “demanded a death certificate.” According to The Center for Bioethics and Culture, the couple didn’t want their “DNA out there being raised by someone else.” The purchasing couple also demanded the baby be denied lifesaving care when born. 

The state of California, where this situation was taking place, grants no rights to a surrogate, leaving Pearson feeling like “a rented-out uterus.”

Ultimately, Pearson was able to deliver the child alive at 25 weeks. But since his “ownership” was technically held by the purchasing couple, they “ordered that life-saving care be withheld,” which resulted in the death of the little boy. 

In an email from Pearson’s aunt, it appeared that the men truly had no interest in their child whatsoever.

“These ‘parents’ are freaking despicable. They’d rather watch (or rather they probably won’t be around) their baby die than allow it to be saved as best as possible and given to a family,” she wrote. 

This takes evil to a new level.

As Rose explained, the gay couple was wrong in ordering their son be left for dead. But Pearson, who agreed to carry a child for the couple in the first place, was also wrong for participating in a system in which tragedies like this one occur far too often. 

“While it appears Brittney tried to protect this child in the womb, her participation in surrogacy played a partial role in the ultimate death of this little boy. From his moment of conception, he was stripped of his fundamental rights & treated as a product that could be discarded at the first sign of defect,” Rose wrote. 

This is why the conception of a baby is meant to take places within the bonds of marriage between a man and a woman. While surrogacy was initially launched to help those who couldn’t conceive or carry a pregnancy on their own, it’s gone too far. It’s now become a way for gay couples to reproduce and manipulate a woman’s body for their own selfish gain, and for children to be treated as commodities to be bought, sold, or discarded. Which, ironically, mirrors the false accusations the left likes to level against the pro-life movement in saying that women are forced to be incubators. In this case, Pearson was merely an incubator for the child and she, as well as the gay couple, should have never agreed to “play God” in this way.

If people are unable to conceive on their own, there are plenty of kids in the foster and adoptive system who dream of being welcomed into a loving home. 

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The pro-life movement supports any baby that is conceived, no matter how the child got there. While surrogacy in and of itself isn’t the way to conceive a child, once that child is conceived, that baby's life has value and dignity and should be protected at all costs. 

Oh, and while we’re speaking the truth, two gay men should never be allowed to contractually purchase a baby. 

I’ll leave you with the final words of Rose’s Twitter thread regarding this matter: “Surrogacy is fundamentally wrong. It enables people to act as if they are entitled to other people’s reproductive abilities - the body of the woman whose womb they are renting. It also treats children like property to be bought, sold, and killed. This case is just another example of why."

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