EXCLUSIVE: 'Liberal Privilege': Don Jr. Slams Hunter Biden in Interview with Bozell

Gabriel Hays | July 15, 2021

Donald Trump Jr. knows a thing or two about liberal privilege. While he and the rest of the Trump family were vilified, slandered and abused in the media over nothing more than being related to President Trump for 4 years, the current White House occupant’s son gets away with debauchery and scandal with no pushback from anyone in the media.

The son of 45th President Donald Trump sat down with Media Research Center President and Founder Brent Bozell to comment on this disgusting double standard, which Trump Jr. has written about in his latest book, “Liberal Privilege.”

Bozell prompted Don Jr. by asking what he thinks about “58% of Biden voters” knowing “nothing about Hunter Biden” or his scandals like his drug use, promiscuity, and most importantly, his alleged shady business dealings with foreign companies that wanted access to his father – the vice president at the time. 

“I think it drives home the point about the media being the enemy of the people, because this stuff was out there, it was then criticized by the D.C. establishment and the deep state types as Russian disinformation,” Trump Jr. explained. Earlier in the interview Bozell had mentioned an MRC poll which found out that, had the media hammered Biden’s son over any of multiple scandals like they hammered Trump scandals, “Donald Trump would’ve won every single battleground state.”  

The former president’s son explained the ridiculous notion that he can’t talk about Hunter Biden’s scandals because, all of a sudden, the current president’s son is “off limits.” This was “news to me,” Trump Jr. stated, adding, “because after 30 hours of testimony before Congress and the Senate, I didn’t realize myself that family was off limits.”

“It just seems to be off-limits when it’s a Democrat in power – hence the title, ‘Liberal Privilege,’” he stated. Throughout the interview, Trump Jr. also talked about how this same double standard is present in Big Tech censorship, where conservatives are silenced for their opinions while leftists, who often say the vilest things online, get to speak freely because they have embraced the correct leftist belief system. WATCH the full interview above.