Fast Take: 'Brexit', The Sit-In, and a Shocking Example of Media Bias

Ben Barrows | June 24, 2016

Big Story: ‘Brexit’

Britain decided Thursday that they will exit the European Union, commonly referred to as "Brexit." This decision will undoubtedly effect global markets, and the Pound has already seen a steep decline in its value. The proponents of ‘Brexit’ believe that an independent Great Britain will benefit Britain in the long run, but the media and some British celebrities were not very happy with the decision. 

Best of the Week

Vin Scully slammed socialism during a live broadcast. This move certainly won Mr. Scully some more fans. 

Worst of the Week

Some House Democrats staged a sit in this week to protest the lack of Congressional action after the Orlando shooting. Naturally, the media loved their "bravery" and gushed over the "historic" moment. 

Strangest of the Week

Martin Short Portrayed Trump on NBC’s Mays and Marty, and it was anything but normal. Click here to check it out for yourself.

Stat of the Week: 8 to 1

That’s the ratio of anti-gun stories vs. pro-gun stories the media ran in the week after the Orlando shooting. Pretty easy to spot the bias

Video of the Week