Sometimes when I think about how I should live my life, I wonder, 'What would Dr. Fauci do?' Of course, I'm kidding. I've listened to hours upon hours of President Joe Biden's Chinese coronavirus czar Dr. Anthony Fauci bloviate endlessly about one thing or another - my favorite being that if you criticize Fauci, you criticize science. But at no point in my life have I taken his advice, and I'm still here.
Remember how Fauci told everyone towards the end of 2020 how they should observe the holidays? Well, he's back at it - dictating to people whether it's okay or not for certain people to celebrate the holidays with their families.
During a discussion with the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) on Monday, Fauci joined former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Md.) to talk about the progress being made currently during the COVID pandemic and how Americans should view their participation in the upcoming holiday season.
Fauci made the distinction of saying that "vaccinated" families can "feel good" about enjoying Thanksgiving and Christmas, even though we know vaccinated people can still catch and spread COVID.
"If you get vaccinated and your family's vaccinated, you can feel good about enjoying a typical Thanksgiving, Christmas with your family and close friends," Fauci told Frist.
The good doctor then "advised" everyone to continue to do everything he tells you in order to be able to "enjoy" the season with your family.
"Go the extra mile, be safe, wear a mask," Fauci said a few sentences later. "But when you’re with your family at home, goodness, enjoy it with your parents, your children, your grandparents. There’s no reason not to do that."
Oh, thank you, St. Fauci of Immunology! I'm sure vaccinated folks will be overjoyed that you gave them the thumbs up to spend the holidays with their loved ones. But, notice how he didn't even mention those who might be unvaccinated.
I'm not sure who this guy thinks he is, even though he loves himself to a ridiculous degree - as evidenced by his St. Fauci candles and the portrait of himself. But, why do people still listen to him? He has contradicted almost every statement of "fact," which he masquerades as "the science," since the pandemic began in the U.S. almost two years ago.
For Fauci's full answer concerning the holidays, watch below: