Feds’ $42M Illegal Alien Detention Facility to Include Separate Unit for Transgenders

Brittany M. Hughes | May 25, 2016

If you haven’t had your daily dose of government waste, fraud and abuse, time to open wide.

The federal government plans to spend an estimated $42 million in taxpayer dollars on a Texas detention facility for illegal aliens that includes a separate unit to house transgender people who are caught unlawfully crossing the U.S. border.

The facility will house up to 700 detainees, and will feature a separate 36-bed unit for transgender individuals, according to a U.S. Immigration and Customs (ICE) official.

According to Fusion, “ICE officials estimate that there are approximately 65 transgender women in their custody on any given night.”

Advocates for the special treatment of transgender illegal aliens argue that transgender “women” who are placed in male detention facilities run a high risk of sexual assault and abuse.

Fusion also recalls that “[a] year ago in June 2015, 35 members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson urging him to end the detention of LGBT undocumented immigrants.

“These individuals are extremely vulnerable to abuse, including sexual assault, while in custody, in particular, transgender women housed in men’s detention facilities,” read the open letter addressed to Secretary Johnson.”

So apparently, not only are law-abiding, tax-paying Americans forced to cough up their own hard-earned cash to build housing facilities for people who come illegally into the United States – they’re now urged to provide, on their dime, separate facilities for folks who come across and don’t know what gender they are.

In addition, immigration officials are now charged with providing super-special care for the specific needs of this transgender population, according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokesperson Carl Rusnok. Fusion notes:

ICE says the Prairieland Detention Center will open in November in Alvarado, Texas, and will operate with the agency’s most advanced care guidelines for transgender detainees. Each detainee will have an individualized detention plan “covering items such as searches, clothing options, hygiene practices, medical care, and housing assignments,” Rusnok said.

This information may understandably shock many people. But it really shouldn’t.

In January of last year, Assistant Director of the ICE Office of Detention Policy and Planning Kevin Landy said during a discussion on immigration that ICE officials gave transgender illegal aliens the option of being housed in a separate facility in L.A., explaining:

“Individuals who prefer a transfer even across the country to that facility for their safety rather than being in a general population housing unit are afforded that opportunity, and we have transferred many people long distances at their choice to that unit.”

In June of last year, ICE issued guidance on how immigration officials should handle transgender aliens, including asking them a slew of soft-handed questions regarding their preferred gender, whether they wanted to wear male or female clothing, and if they even wanted to disclose their gender identity in the first place.

Then, according to a CNSNews.com report at the time, ICE took it to a whole new level:

Transgender detainees who were already receiving hormone therapy when taken into ICE custody will continue getting it; and all transgender detainees must have access to mental health care and medication such as hormone therapy based on medical need.

So a transgender person dissatisfied with Guatemala can come to the United States illegally, be transferred to a temporary housing unit specially designed to coddle their gender identity, given taxpayer-funded hormone treatment and medical care, then ultimately be released to disappear into the United States with an order to appear in immigration court that might as well be printed on a copy of the U.S. Constitution, for all anyone bothers to read it.  

Someone please explain to me why we even bother having borders.