Feelings Matter Brigade Aims To Protect Snowflakes From Triggers

MRCTV Contributor | August 30, 2017

The Save The Snowflakes organization continues to help college and university students offended and hurt by ideas they don’t agree with by launching the Feelings Matter Brigade (FMB).

The FMB patrols campuses looking to prevent painful triggers from occurring and to be on hand to help when they do. With the funding and assistance of Save The Snowflakes the FMB are ready to soothe hurt feelings in a moments notice.

“Save the Snowflakes makes sure we have everything we need - colored pencils, crayons, bubbles even teddy bears. Anything to make sure the job gets done, and that these students feel protected,” Capt. Jon Faucher of the Northern Virginia FMB says.

Faucher notes that the start of the school year can be particularly difficult for snowflakes.

“There is always a big need at the beginning of the school year. A lot of these students spent the summer in their parents' basements, but once you get outside and into the light, you can find there are a lot of things that are very triggering.”

Faucher says, FMB not only works to prevent triggering in the future but also keeps an eye on the past. A past that is not always politically correct.

“A lot of campuses have statues of their founders, but their founders don’t have perfect pasts, some owned slaves and history can be triggering,” Faucher says. The FMB has worked to cover up over 29 statues at campuses before they opened their doors this fall semester.

A new PSA informing area campuses of the FMB and how they can help snowflakes on American college and university campuses has just been released (view video above).

If you would like more information on how the FMB or Save The Snowflakes can help your area campus, log on to savethesnowflakes.org