Fight Breaks Out Among Local California Officials At a Swanky Resort, Leaving One Unconscious

Brittany M. Hughes | May 20, 2019

Several local government officials in California got into a physical brawl at a pricey resort over the weekend, allegedly during dispute over how to handle public crises.

Reports say elected officials from Los Angeles and members of the Commerce City Council were gathered at the Renaissance Indian Wells Resort & Spa over the weekend, where several people apparently got into a heated disagreement over policy.

Police say they’re still trying to figure out what happened and who started the fight, but did confirm that at least seven people were involved and one was left unconscious.

From Bizpac Review: 

[Commerce Mayor John] Soria recalled that he was told at the event that City of Commerce Councilman Leonard Mendoza and colleague Ivan Altamirano were in a heated argument and Soria went to approach the two men to see what was going on. When he got there, Mendoza was lying on the ground and Altamirano appeared to have been hit in the face. Soira said he and Altamirano were then attacked from behind and punched multiple times.

While local police are remaining tight-lipped about who and what started the fight, Soria told the press he plans to file charges against his attackers, who he said he knew but wouldn't name publicly.

California Republican Delegate Allen Wilson tweeted a few photos from the incident Sunday night, including one image appearing to show a man lying on the ground.