Well, what do you know? Who would’ve thought that when there’s violent unrest going on — that the radical media and leftist politicians downplay on an hourly basis to push their “peaceful protests” narrative — that Americans of every background would flock to gun shops in order to legally pursue a way to defend themselves and their families?
Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting (SAAF) reported on Wednesday that estimated firearm sales in the U.S. were up 145.3 percent from June 2019.
According to the SAAF report:
Small Arms Analytics & Forecasting (SAAF) estimates June 2020 U.S. firearms unit sales at 2,387,524 unites, a year-over-year increase of 145.3% from June 2019. Likely single handgun sales (1,511,714) increased year-over-year by 177.5% whereas single long-gun sales (690,212) increased year-over-year by 114.3%. All other likely background check-related sales (185,599) increased year-over-year by 74.0%. This includes so-called “multiple” sales where the allocation between handguns and long-guns cannot be determined from the data record.
The SAAF report lines up pretty closely with the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) report that background checks hit an all-time high, rising “nearly” 136 percent over the June 2019, according to the Associated Press (AP).
NSSF director of public affairs Mark Oliva said that the recent unrest plaguing cities across the country have contributed to the astronomical rise in sales.
“Civil unrest, rioting, looting and calls to defund police are unquestionably motivating factors of why this trend is increasing,” Oliva said. “Americans are right to be concerned for their personal safety.”
Brandon Wexler, a owner of Wex Gunworks in Delray Beach, Fla., spoke to the Washington Free Beacon and told them that they can’t keep enough weaponry on hand for all of the people looking to purchase a firearm, because “major distributors” were “sold out” last week.
“Pretty much everything is out of stock," Wexler told the Free Beacon. "We have been doing it since the late '70s and have never seen literally no supply available. As of last week, at all major distributors you could not get any guns. Everything was literally sold out. Can’t even get hearing protection.”
The uptick in sales follows a trend that has been going on for months. MRCTV reported in early May that sales for April were up 71 percent as compared to April 2019.
June is the fourth month in a row that firearm sales have seen a large increase in sales.
This is one of the reason that the U.S. is the greatest country on the planet. Even with all their ideological differences, Americans of all backgrounds believe in the Second Amendment despite what they may say publicly.