Former AG Holder Says 'We'll See' to 2020 Presidential Run

Nick Kangadis | February 8, 2018

We might have another far-Left-of-Center liberal running for office in 2020, and for once, it’s not a member of the Hollywood cult dropping hints at a possible presidential run.

Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told an audience at a Christian Science Monitor-sponsored breakfast on Wednesday that he’s heavily weighing a decision on “whether or not there’s another chapter in my government service.”

“I think I’ll make a decision by the end of the year about whether or not there’s another chapter in my government service,” Holder said.

According to the Washington Times:

Mr. Holder is currently fundraising and flexing his political muscles as head of former President Barack Obama’s chief political operation, the National Democratic Redistricting Committee, to try to put their party in better shape ahead of the redrawing of political maps after the 2020 census[…]

In decades past, Mr. Holder had looked at a run for mayor in the District, but with a major national profile and no voting member from Washington serving in Congress, his electoral opportunities would appear to lie more at the presidential level now.

When further inquiries about a 2020 presidential run for Holder are a possibility, Holder twice simply said, “We’ll see.”

Whatever Holder’s intentions, the 2020 menagerie of candidates on the donkey side of the ballot should at least make for interesting television come the debate cycle.