Former Bush Press Secretary Owns CNN Reporter on Twitter

Maureen Collins | July 6, 2017

At this point in the week, pretty much everyone agrees that the folks at CNN are losing their damn minds. 

Earlier this week, CNN threatened to dox a Reddit user for making a goofy video of Trump body-slamming the CNN logo. So this would not be the best time for the network to complain about "fake news." 

Enter Jim Acosta, the White House correspondent for the Cable News Network.

Has Acosta forgotten all about the Obama years? Ari Fleischer, former White House Press Secretary under George W. Bush, was not about to let this fly. 

This started a back-and-forth that ultimately ended with Fleischer roasting Acosta. 

That's what those in the business refer to as a "sick burn!" Fleischer should watch out. We all know what the Crying News Ninnies do to people who create unflattering content about them.  

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