Headlines Worth Checking Out- Sep. 3, 2010

Joe Schoffstall | September 3, 2010

I know, it's Friday and you don't care about the news because nothing exciting will go on today. You're right, but check out these headlines before you go into weekend mode. WSJ: U.S. Employers cut 54,000 jobs; unemployment climbs back up to 9.6%. USA Today: Cantor: Beware of the Obama tax increases CNS News: Intel Report Confirmed 18 Freed Gitmo Detainees Returned to Terror--Including in Afghanistan--Before Obama Ordered Closing of Prison NewsBusters: BBC Chief Admits 'Massive' Left-wing Bias, Vows to Remedy Imbalance Hot Air:  Video: A huge Republican wave comparable to 1994 is coming, says...Evan Bayh? If you'd like to share a story feel free to put it in the comment section.