Is Hillary Clinton Overdrawn At The Memory Bank?

Eric Scheiner | May 4, 2017

In an interview this week, Hillary Clinton suggested she was never asked about her plans to create jobs during the 2016 presidential debates.

"I kept waiting for the moment. You know, I watched a million presidential debates in my life, and I was waiting for the moment when one of the people asking the questions would have said, 'well, so exactly how are you going to create more jobs?'" Clinton told CNN's Christiane Amanpour.



"I mean I thought -you know, I thought at some moment that would happen. And I was ready for that moment!"

That moment actually came at the first televised presidential debate of 2016.

It was the first question asked in that debate by moderator Lester Holt. Perhaps Clinton forgot about it while trying to remember her "million presidential debates" (We knew she was old, but she's seen a million?).

“Beginning with you Secretary Clinton, why are you a better choice than your opponent to create the kinds of jobs that will put more money into the pockets of American workers?” Holt asked.

Perhaps Clinton forgot about it while trying to remember her "million presidential debates" (We knew she was old, but she's seen a million?!?)

To hear her complete answer to the jobs question, as well as Donald Trump’s response click here.