Hurling Spit At Our Troops

kpicket | July 31, 2008

For years, Vietnam War veterans have told stories of the anti-war left spitting on troops who returned home from war. Unfortunately, without video or even a photo to document proof, the claims fell on deaf ears. Lefties usually cite a Snopes page about Internet myths that links users to a Boston Globe article denying the stories. It's too bad Vietnam vets didn't have video and upload the proof of lefty loogies to the Internet. But now we do. At a recent anti-war event in California, an anti-war protester spit on an Iraq war veteran, and the act was caught on tape. The video was promptly broadcast on Hannity & Colmes. Let the incident be a lesson to conservatives: Carry videocameras whenever you're in the presence of liberals. Odds are good that they'll behave badly, and now they will no longer be able to say "Prove it!" and walk away laughing.