Iowa Restaurant Openly Charging Trump Supporters Higher Cover

Zach Montanaro | November 15, 2016

A restaurant in University Heights, Iowa allegedly charged supporters of president-elect Donald Trump more money to dine in than supporters of Hillary Clinton.

As first reported by KGAN TV, the restaurant Stella reportedly had a sign on its door that said, “Yes this is discrimination, but you voted for it.”

Eric Stelter, a potential patron, said he left a college football game with his wife early to watch the rest of it at Stella when he saw the sign.

When he walked in the door, Stelter claims an employee asked him who he had voted for. “If you voted for Trump, you had to pay $10 to come in. If you voted for Hillary, it was $5 to come in,” he says.

Stelter said the restaurant was not joking, and that he and his wife decided to leave altogether.

Stella is in Johnson County, which is reportedly one of the 6 out of 99 counties that voted for Clinton. Although Trump won Iowa, Clinton won Johnson County 66 percent to 27.8 percent.

The restaurant hasn’t commented on the matter as of noon on Tuesday, but KGAN TV did call Stella and spoke to an employee who confirmed that they did indeed charge different prices based on who customers voted for.

It’s not known if customers could simply lie when asked who they voted for to get the lower cover charge, but the fact that the restaurant felt it was wise to openly discriminate based on who someone voted for is deplorable nonetheless.

You can see the original news report below:



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