IRONY: Mexican Asylum-Seekers Are Ticked At Migrant 'Caravan' For Butting In Line

Brittany M. Hughes | May 4, 2018

Remember that caravan of more than 1,500 people that caught a ton of media attention as they tromped through Mexico on their way to the U.S. to request asylum?

The ones who showed up waving flags from their home nations and singing Spanish songs and demanding they be allowed in because...well, they said so?

Yeah, those guys.

It turns out the Trump administration and strong legal immigration supporters aren’t the only ones they’ve ticked off. The dwindling group of Central American migrants have also caught flack from Mexican asylum-seekers, who say they’ve been waiting in line for a lot longer to get into the United States, only to be ousted by the attention-hogging caravan.

According to reports, more than 150 migrants who arrived with the caravan - including men, women and children - have been admitted into the U.S. to have their immigration appeals heard. And that's not sitting too well with the Mexicans who've been waiting longer.

From the Daily Caller:

The so-called “caravan” of migrants has also drawn the ire of Mexican asylum seekers waiting at the San Ysidro port of entry, who say the much-publicized new arrivals are hogging the spotlight and making it harder for them to make their cases to U.S. immigration authorities.

The non-caravan migrants, mostly Mexicans from the violence-wracked states of Michoacan and Guerrero, say they have been waiting to apply for asylum since well before the bulk of the Central American group arrived in Tijuana last week.  

About 100 or so of these Mexicans have now set up camp alongside the caravan of Central American migrants, hoping to get lumped in to all the attention. So far, they say it hasn’t worked.

From the San Diego Tribune:

There are currently 240 people on the waiting list waiting to cross, said Manuel García, 28, of Michoacan, who stepped into the leadership role after the previous leader on Tuesday morning was admitted into the United States along with 19 others.

“All last week, people stopped by with donations asking us if the caravan was here yet,” said García. “We’d tell them no, and tell them to give the donations to us, but they’d say it’s for the caravan.”

So let me get this straight – now Mexican asylum-seekers are ticked at Central American asylum-seekers for butting in line to get into the U.S. ahead of everyone else.

Which, ironically, is kind of exactly what all illegal aliens do to legal immigrants who struggle for years to come into the United States lawfully.