Jewish Single Mom Cited For Opening Her NYC Store While Thousands Party In the Street Over Biden Win 5 Miles Away

Brittany M. Hughes | November 9, 2020

Cell phone video shows the moment a New York City law enforcement officer entered a Jewish woman’s store, which fell in a government-designated “red zone” and was therefore ordered to remain closed because of COVID, and handed her a citation for violating the shutdown mandate – despite the fact that only a few blocks away, thousands of people had gathered in the streets to celebrate Joe Biden’s presumptive win over President Donald Trump.

The owner of Brooklyn-based “Pottery and Glass Land,” which offers classes and sells kits for various kids’ crafts, tried to explain that she was a single mom just trying to pay her bills, and that it wasn’t fair for her store to remain shut down while others are permitted to at least partially reopen.

“I have five children. I am a single mother, and I have zero income coming in right now. And everybody else is open, and I’m not allowed to be open,” she explained.

The officer told her that’s something she could take up with the city.

“Well that’s very nice. When I stop paying my bills, you wont do anything for us,” she said.

“Have you made a complaint?” the officer asked.

“Of course! We’re always making complaints,” she answered.

As the officer then asked the woman for her name to put on the citation, just down the street about five miles was this scene at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn...

And while store owners like this one struggle to find enough money to pay their bills, feed their families and keep their hard-built businesses from going under, here’s NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio celebrating Biden’s projected win alongside the massive crowd in the very city he’s helped keep shut down.