Jimmy Kimmel 'Apologizes' To Sean Hannity...Except Not Really

Brittany M. Hughes | April 9, 2018

Jimmy Kimmel just threw out an olive branch to Fox News host Sean Hannity to end their days-long feud, and it was perhaps the most measly, wilted branch he could have grabbed off the tree.

Kimmel and Hannity’s recent back-and-forth on social media was nothing short of…well, boringly mundane in the age of late-night punditry. It all started when Kimmel mocked First Lady Melania Trump’s accent during a segment on his late night show, which lead to Hannity calling Kimmel an “ass clown” on his own Fox program.

The comment led to a brief back-and-forth, with Kimmel calling Hannity the “whole ass circus” in a several-minute-long rebuttal on his show.

Like a couple of seventh-grade boys in a middle school locker room, Hannity then called Kimmel “Harvey Weinstein, Jr.” on Twitter, to which Kimmel responded with a bad joke that involved Hannity having sexual relations with Donald Trump.

And that, apparently, was a bridge too far, even for Kimmel’s fans.

Kimmel posted an apology on social media saying he’s sorry for having offended some in the gay community with his poorly thought-out comment, adding he’s also sorry to Hannity…well, eh. Kind of. Here’s his mea (sorta) culpa.


Of course, if that's a sincere and heartfelt apology, then I'm the queen of England.

It doesn’t look like Hannity’s ready to let the whole thing go without the final word, though. The Fox News host says he’ll have more to say on the subject tonight on his program.

Because apparently, this is where we’re at in 2018 America.