Joe Biden Says He Does Not ‘Respect' Any Borders

Monica Sanchez | July 12, 2019

Former Vice President and 2020 Democratic hopeful Joe Biden in remarks during a speech on foreign policy on Thursday said that he does not “respect” any borders.

“No country, even one as powerful as ours, can go it alone in the challenges of the 21st century,” said Biden.

Then he goes on to say, “I respect no borders and cannot be contained by any walls.”

There it is.

Biden was explaining how the believes the U.S. should be “working cooperatively with other nations to share our values and goals” and that doing so “doesn’t make America … suckers.”

“It makes us more secure, enables us to be more successful,” he said.

Biden also said that America should be sharing the "burden of leadership" with other world leaders. 

Mr. Biden added later that, if elected in 2020, he plans to “lead an effort to reimagine” America’s “historic partnerships abroad” and to “expand capacity to take on non-traditional threats like weaponized corruption, cyber-theft, new challenges in space and the high seas,” and so on.

His fellow Democratic candidates believe in no borders, but for other reasons pertaining to immigration. 

Biden's foreign policy speech may not be progressive enough for their standards.