ESPN App Allows 'BLM'-Themed Fantasy Football Names, But 'White Lives Matter' Is Banned

John Simmons | September 4, 2024
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The NFL season is upon us, so you know what that means.

Okay, it means many things: the Kansas City Chiefs likely running the league (again), woke agendas being spread left and right, and that your organs will suffer from indegestion after eating an uncanny amount of nachos on Sundays for the next 18+ weeks.

But it also means that fantasy football is back! For those of you who don’t play, you’re missing out. For those of you who do, you can understand my excitement. In some ways, it's better than watching the actual games, and allows you to the chance to win bragging rights (and maybe a bit of money) over your friends.

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A seminal part of the experience is choosing a team name (mine is “Fellowship of the Wins,” and I know all my Lord of the Rings friends appreciated the reference). However, if you use the ESPN app, be careful what team name you choose. If it’s not woke enough, the app won’t let you use it.

One TikTok user posted a video about how the ESPN app will not let you use the phrase “White Lives Matter” as your nickname. However, if you type in “Black Lives Matter,” you won’t encounter any problems.

I also tried this with one of my four teams on the app (yes, I have a problem), and I can confirm that I experienced the same thing when I typed in “White Lives Matter.”

Now look, I don’t think you need to resort to this joke for a team name. You could go with something clever, like “Run CMC,” “Tua Be Or Not To Be,” “Breeced Lightning” - the possibilities are endless.

But if you want to go that route, then you should be able to, especially since “Black Lives Matter” is apparently allowable. To allow one and not the other shows a clear double-standard that is disappointing to say the least, but given that we’re talking about ESPN, not totally surprising.

So if you play ESPN fantasy football, make sure your name isn’t banned - or at the very least, make sure it's woke or pays homage to a communist organization. The app seems to like that sort of thing.

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