Keith Olbermann Calls For Biden To Imprison Elon Musk In a Military Facility

John Simmons | October 28, 2024
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Progressives have long declared that they are the demographic that advocates for free speech for all. At least, that’s what they would have you believe.

But when push comes to shove, oftentimes they are the ones who want conservative people and viewpoints to be silenced in any and every form. Seems kinda hypocritical, right?

Well, that doesn’t stop them from doing their absolute best to snuff out the free speech rights of everyone who is not a flaming liberal. Unhinged media personality Keith Olbermann did just that last week - and went way off the rails in the process.

Olbermann does not like X owner Elon Musk one bit, probably because Musk leans conservative in most of his political views and supports Donald Trump. A guy like that is bound to drive Olbermann bonkers and make his liberal brain go into DEFCON 5 mode.

On Thursday, he went on one of his signature unhinged rants and said that Musk should not just be silenced, but that President Joe Biden should lock him away in a military facility.

I mean seriously, how brain dead can you get? It's insane to think that being a conservative should automatically get you locked away in a military facility. That - and all the other things on Olbermann’s wish list - is an example of the facism and dictatorship that the left claims conservatives enforce on the American public. 

There are plenty of people that I disagree with on the progressive side of the aisle. However, that does not mean I get the right to wish that they get locked away or have their livelihood taken from them. That’s absurd, but it's not a concept that Olbermann seems to understand.

The comments section of this tweet was full of people that called out Olbermann for his unhinged idea on what to do with Musk.

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