Robert Griffin III: Stop Calling Trump Supporters 'Bigots'

John Simmons | November 13, 2024
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Former ESPN employee and Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback Robert Griffin III has said some pretty unhinged things in the past, but he actually proposed a pretty solid idea on bringing unity in America.

We all know America is a very divided country, and there’s a variety of reasons why that is the case. One of those reasons is that people on both ends of the political spectrum do very little to listen to each other’s views. Instead, it's been replaced with shouting, name-calling, and flawed arguments that attempt to show that people who don’t agree with a preferred viewpoint are stupid.

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I would argue that the left has been more vocal about calling conservatives ridiculous, especially those who support Trump. The words they use to describe the “big, bad orange man” - xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic, intolerant, bigoted, racist, deplorable, trashy - are the same words that they hurl towards average Americans who stand for faith, common sense, and decency.

Thankfully, Griffin III has looked at this predicament and called B.S. on it. He even told people to stop calling Trump supporters “bigots” (and other degrading terms) and instead opened up his tweet for people to start pitching ideas on how to unify America better.

This is the kind of social media dialogue that can actually be helpful: quick, bite-sized, common-sense statements that can actually bring unity. And he’s absolutely right, calling Trump supporters bigots does nothing good (and is untrue,  by the way). If only more positive posts like this flooded our timeline.

I'm all for making America united again (and for not being called a bigot). Who is with me?

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