This Just In: Paul Ryan Voted for Donald Trump

Zach Montanaro | November 1, 2016

To put it midly, House Speaker Paul Ryan and Donald Trump have had a testy relationship since the billionaire businessman became the Republican nominee. On Tuesday, however, Ryan showed he didn’t let the back-and-forth get in his way of voting for Trump.

“I stand where I stood all fall and all summer. In fact, I already voted here in Janesville for our nominee last week in early voting,” the Speaker revealed in an interview with Fox and Friends.

“I'm supporting our entire Republican ticket," he added. "I have been all along. My focus personally right now is saving our House majority.”

Ryan’s revelation comes as some former GOP presidential contenders have stepped forward and publically stated that they wouldn’t vote for Trump. Ohio Gov. John Kasich, for example, recently stated that he wrote in Arizona Sen. John McCain's name when he voted absentee, a move that's drawn the dissatisfaction of other Republicans.

Rick Santorum, another presidential hopeful, scolded Kasich for his vote by pointing out that he signed a pledge to support the eventual nominee, whoever it was.

“You can't say a man who's not going to keep his word is someone that frankly, should be paid attention to when it comes to how he's going to vote,” Santorum said.

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