Anti-2A Advocates Downplay Christian School Shooting By a Terrorism Sympathizer as a 'Gun Violence' Problem

Justine Brooke Murray | December 6, 2024
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Gun control activists and politicians are now trying to cover up the targeted attempted massacre of Christian children by a terrorist sympathizer as a mere "gun violence" problem, using it to push their war on the Second Amendment. Because, of course.

On Wednesday, a shooter entered a Christian school in Oroville, California leaving two kindergarteners in critical condition before turning the gun on himself. 

And while local law enforcement briefly hinted the shooting may have been a targeted hate crime, they sat on the suspect’s identity and initially refused to elaborate further. Meanwhile, California Comrade-in-Chief - also known as Governor - Gavin Newsom and his mainstream media brigade passed off the act of terror as merely another incident of gun violence, despite his state having one of the nation's strictest anti-gun laws.

It turns out, it was a hate-fueled crime, indeed. The perpetrator was finally revealed as 56-year-old Glenn Litton, who tried to massacre children at the Feather River School of Seventh-Day Adventists in the name of freeing “Palestine.”

"Countermeasures involving child execution has now been imposed at the Seventh Day Adventist school in California, United States by the International Alliance," read Litton’s manifesto shared by Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea at a press briefing Thursday.

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Noting “significant” mental problems and a lengthy criminal record, Honea claimed officers are still determining whether the “Alliance” Litton speaks of is an actual group, or just a concoction of his imagination. 

In his manifesto, the bloodthirsty psycho referred to himself as a “lieutenant” of “the Alliance,” calling his attempted murders “countermeasures in necessitated response to America's involvement with genocide and oppression of Palestinians along with attacks towards Yemen." 

The Jerusalem Post notes that Litton had sought out other Seventh Day Adventist schools to terrorize before deciding on Feather River, according to the sheriff. 

Of course, larger media outlets have either buried this development at the bottom of their article as an afterthought, or simply “forgot” to include it. 

The Associated Press omitted “Christian” from its headline entirely, mentioning only that a shooting occurred at some “religious school” and that it may be tied to “America’s involvement in Middle East violence.” 

CNN kept their initial angle, tightly wrapping the anti-Christian bloodbath as “another example of the scourge of gun violence on American campuses.”

You can easily guess how Newsom and his media propagandists would immediately treat this act of evil if it were directed at a Muslim school.

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