Lawsuit Against Univ. of Oregon Charges Admin With Threatening Female Athletes Who Raise Discrimination Complaints

Justine Brooke Murray | November 14, 2024
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Add the University of Oregon to the list of “progressive” schools to throw female athletes under the bus.

32 women, including 26 beach volleyball players have added new details to a recent Title IX lawsuit charging their university with discrimination, according to USA Today.

The initial lawsuit claims UO refused to "provide athletic treatment and benefits, financial aid, and participation opportunities to female students that are equal to the unparalleled athletic treatment and benefits, financial aid, and participation opportunities that it provides to male students.”

Members of the women’s beach volleyball team complained they were not allowed their own facility and were forced to practice in a sketchy public park instead. Players reported being unable to use its public restrooms which were frequently locked at the hands of drug addicts who apparently shot themselves up inside.

But the suit’s latest filings are even more damning. 

Declarations from two team members claim their athletic department’s Senior Women’s Administrator, Lisa Peterson, threatened to shut down their competition season for raising their concerns.

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“Administrator Peterson downplayed or ignored our reports of being denied basic support, gear, facilities, equipment, and financial aid,” claims one of the players, Ashley Schroeder. 

“She told us that we were lucky to be playing and that if we continued to complain, the season would be cancelled,” added the plaintiff. 

Meanwhile, UO has an entire “non-discrimination” statement on “transgender inclusion” posted on its website. The university allows certain biological males to compete on female sports teams after completing “one calendar year of testosterone suppression treatment.”


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