Met Gala's DEI Theme Backfires, Woke STILL Unhappy

Justine Brooke Murray | October 11, 2024
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You can never out-woke the Woke.

That’s going to be a hard pill to swallow for Vogue Magazine’s Met Gala organizers, whose attempt to appease the Left is blowing back in its face.

On Wednesday, Vogue unveiled the theme for next year’s upcoming gala will be “Superfine: Tailoring Black Style.” 

The gala “will take the Black dandy as its subject, examining the importance of clothing and style to the formation of Black identities in the Atlantic diaspora,” announced Vogue on their Instagram page.

Inspired by her book, “Slaves to Fashion,” the magazine has employed Monica Miller, Professor and Chair of Africana Studies at Barnard College, Columbia University to “examine the figure of the Black dandy from its earliest depictions in 18th century art to modern-day representations from the runways and film.”

To make matters more woke, Vogue has appointed America-hating LeBron James as the gala’s honorary chair.

The magazine’s attempt to virtue signal to the DEI crowd isn’t going as well as they expected, however. According to their woke fanbase, its theme “sounds like a recipe for appropriation disaster!”

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“Stylists, study up!” commented one X follower of Vogue's.

“Let’s just pray no-one shows up in black face,” warned another follower.

“I’m a little nervous due to the lack of African Americans recognized in the fashion industry as a whole,” someone else wrote. 

“It’s cool, but saddens me that there will be very few African American fashion houses able to display their art because well they just don’t allow them to exist really, but I hope this changes the trajectory," said another.

Other commenters are worried the Met Gala will invite too many white people, and not enough “BLACK CREATIVES,” reports the Daily Mail.

The gala is not until May, 2025, so Vogue has plenty of time to waffle, virtue signal some more, waffle again, and plan a full night of woke vomit. 

Like every year, it will be nothing more than another party where limousine liberals piss away another $75,000 to congratulate themselves for being limousine liberals.

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