Nation's Oldest Pro-Life Group Files FOIA Request After Army Training Calls Them Terrorists

Justine Brooke Murray | August 14, 2024
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A pro-life group is demanding the U.S. Army 'fess up about their training materials after a slide used during a training course labeled pro-lifers “terrorists” to new recruits.

The National Right to Life Committee filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request on Thursday to obtain records regarding a training event that took place at Fort Liberty (formerly Fort Bragg) in North Carolina back in July, according to Life News. During the training, which the Army says was put together by a "local garrison employee" and not the Army base itself, new recruits were shown an informational slideshow of “TERRORIST GROUPS.” 

Listed under that category was the National Right to Life, the nation’s oldest pro-life organization, along with a second pro-life group that exposes the gory truth about abortion. To add to the insult, these super-scary “terrorist” groups were reportedly featured right after a slide on ISIS.

Fort Liberty suggests the slideshow was not their fault, as it was “not properly vetted by appropriate approval authorities” and merely “developed by a local garrison employee to train soldiers manning access control points" and will "no longer be used." 

But a recently surfaced video shows the same presentation being used in 2023. It apparently goes back even further: independent journalist Sam Shoemate claims an anonymous source in Fort Liberty’s Provost Marshall told him the abortionist slide was made in the mid-2000’s, and reports indicate the slideshow has been used at the base for at least the past seven years.

Related: US Army Base in Hot Water Over Slide Calling Pro-Life Orgs 'Terrorist Groups'

The National Right to Life Committee is now demanding the base turn over any similar slideshows used during Army training courses on the base, as well as any documents that contain the group's name or other references to pro-lifers and anti-abortion groups.

“This disturbing designation of pro-life people—a large percentage of America’s population—as potential terrorists simply because they support life is of grave concern to all Americans,” the NRLC stated in their request.

It’s a mystery whether the Army’s terror watch list includes the “fiery, but mostly peaceful” groups responsible for burning American cities, looting stores, torching police cars and precincts, and vandalizing public property, or any of the pro-abortion groups (looking at you, Jane's Revenge) responsible for defacing and firebombing pregnancy centers.

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