Newsom's CA Mandates Foster Parents 'Affirm' Children's Gender 'Identity' or Face Re-education Training

Justine Brooke Murray | November 21, 2024
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Under Gavin Newsom’s rule, Commiefornia already kidnaps your children if you refuse to sexually confuse and mutilate them. 

Now, the state is threatening foster parents - of which we currently have a deficit - who refuse to do the same.

In an “information notice” recently published by the state’s Social Services department, California reminded residents they cannot become foster parents unless they affirm the delusions of children suffering gender dysphoria and regurgitate the government’s re-write of truth.

The memo demands “all caregivers must receive training on cultural sensitivity regarding OGIE [Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and Expression] and best practices for providing care to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning [LGBTQ+] children and NMDs” [Non-Minor Dependents].

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“Studies estimate at least 30 percent of children and NMDs in care identify as LGBTQ+1 and, more importantly, may be in care as a direct result of challenges in their family of origin related to their SOGIE or LGBTQ+ identification,” lectures the notice.

“It would be harmful for children and NMDs to live with a RF [Resource Family] who does not support and respect their identity,” the department adds, noting many gender confused children ended up in the foster system to begin with because they feel underappreciated. 

In other words, refusing to comply with the Alphabet mafia’s game of pretend brands you as complicit as a child beater. 

We used to take away children whose parents physically or sexually abused them. Now your kids are taken away for refusing to sexually abuse them, as California requires the system responsible for protecting endangered minors to harm them further.

“If concerns are identified” regarding a caregiver’s “capacity, ability, or willingness to safeguard a child’s or NMD’s personal rights” (delusions) and to “provide affirming and nondiscriminatory care,” the memo continues, “it is incumbent upon the [social] worker to offer support and training.”

Caregivers suspected of questioning California’s gender ideology “must be open and willing to accept the offered resources to mitigate those concerns,” adds the department, requiring them to endure re-education training.

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