Woke Mob Tries To 'Cancel' Biblical Series For Casting A Jew To Play A Jew

Justine Brooke Murray | November 14, 2024
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The “social justice” keyboard warriors are waging war on their latest target: A forthcoming biblical drama.

Why? Because its Jewish main character is being played by… a Jew. Shocker!

Netflix just released its trailer for the new series, “Mary,” depicting the Virgin Mary’s “journey to give birth to Jesus.” This has set off the Jew-hating Left, which is campaigning to “cancel” the show because the mother of Jesus is being played by an Israeli actress, Noa Cohen. 



“Played by an Israeli actress lmao go f*ck yourself,” screeched one self-identified “lesbian” in a post that received over 117 thousand likes on X.

Another unhinged user took a page out of the Hamas rulebook and went straight for execution as punishment for the casting choice.

“If you make a movie about mary and she’s played by an israeli you deserve to be shot in the head,” posted this keyboard warrior.

The self-identified “Victims of Capitalism Memorial Foundation” also chimed in.

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“Half the cast is Israeli, including Noa Cohen who plays Mary,” the user whined.

“Looks like shit anyway, but needless to say avoid this like the plague,” the post instructed followers that garnered 80 thousand likes and 15 thousand shares.

“F*ck this movie, and fuck anyone who watches it,” seethed another butthurt account, brandashing the “transgender” cult flag on it’s profile, next to both the “Palestinian” and Lebanese flags.

“I’m not joking, if I see anyone talking about seeing it, I’m blocking,” announced the page. 

Then came the hilarious historical inversion and biblical rewrites.

“Jesus is a Palestinian man,” insisted members of the social media mob. In fact, Mother Mary wasn’t actually “Mary,” she was Mother Mariam!

Because she and Jesus were Muslims, of course!

Disregard the fact that Islam didn’t exist until around 600 years after Mary birthed Jesus… Or that the New Testament describes her as a devout Jewish woman who presented her son at the Temple in Jerusalem (Luke 2:22).

To be a true “decolonial” progressive means ignoring the fact that “Jew” comes from Judea, a land colonized and renamed “Syria-Palestinia” by the Roman empire out of spite. In fact, the name “Palestine” is derived from the Hebrew root, “Palash” which means “to invade.” 

But to recognize those minor details means recognizing Jews are native to the land of Israel, which would destroy the narrative of the Keffiyeh-wearing brats on college campuses and online. Instead, the hypocritical DEI mob will continue to erase Jews from their historic depictions while demanding every movie remake casts a "person of color."

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