Latino Publication Fires Latino Editor After Internet Accuses Him Of Being a Bigot

ashley.rae | January 5, 2018

The online social justice hate mob descended on one of their own, causing a Latino writer to lose his editor-at-large position over accusations that he is actually a bigot.

Writer Gustavo Arellano, who is known for his ¡Ask a Mexican! column, was hired by the Latin-focused publication REMEZCLA. Soon after news of his new position spread, there were calls for him to be fired due to various vague charges of bigotry, including allegations that is anti-black, anti-trans, and anti-Indigenous:

While most of the allegations against Arellano do not actually cite anything he allegedly did “wrong” to deserve being called a slew of –ists and –isms, one post on Twitter claims Arellano deserves the anti-black label for having the audacity to say Latinos have their own slurs to refer to blacks, comparing it to the n-word:

Ultimately, due to the backlash and the “#BoycottGustavoArellano” hashtag, REMEZCLA decided to “dissolve” their partnership with Arellano:

Although REMEZCLA apologized, it did not stop people from expressing their anger that he was hired in the first place:

It doesn’t matter if your online persona responded to matters such as “My Undocumented Girlfriend Is Scared of Donald Trump” and “How Much Does It Cost a Mexican to Cross the Border Illegally?” it doesn’t matter if you happened to said one thing once that, taken out of context, offends someone on the internet.

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(Image source: Facebook)