Liberal News Site Claims Kavanaugh Will Take Away Our Voting Rights

Brittany M. Hughes | July 17, 2018

The sky is falling, and the left’s Chicken Littles are out in full force.

Take ThinkProgress, for example, a left-wing propaganda machine that now claims Brett Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court would end in Americans being stripped of their voting rights.

Here’s their claim, in all its ridiculous glory:


ThinkProgress bases their ridiculous claim on Chief Justice John Roberts' alleged attacks on the Voting Rights Act.

“Chief Justice John Roberts has a plan to neuter the Voting Rights Act. All of it. He’s held onto this plan for nearly forty years, waiting for the day when he could deploy it,” ThinkProgress hyperventilates.

“That day is nearly upon us. If the Senate confirms Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanuagh to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy, Roberts will almost certainly have the votes he needs to gut America’s voting rights law,” they go on.

(When we’re done here, someone please inform ThinkProgress that the Supreme Court doesn’t “vote” – that’s the legislative branch. But we know that whole separation of powers thing is a tough one for them.)

The group goes on to characterize Roberts as the next worst thing to a flat-out, hood-wearing racist, accusing him of wanting to deny black people the right to vote based on his history of upholding a state’s right to enact basic voter ID laws.

In fact, the whole piece is so jumbled and difficult to follow that it quickly abandons any sense of reason in favor of abject hysteria, tossing together random tidbits of hastily-Googled history about voting, gerrymandering and 1950s-era school segregation to form a linguistic fruit salad of unintelligible nonsense.

“Kennedy won’t be around very much longer, and Trump’s choice to replace him, Judge Brett Kavanaugh, is an orthodox conservative who is unlikely to break with Roberts on questions of racial justice,” ThinkProgress waxes.

The convoluted argument is based (as best I can tell) on Kavanaugh’s written opinion in a 2011 court case upholding South Carolina’s voter ID law, which required voters to show a photo ID before being allowed to vote. Many liberals complained this requirement discriminated against minorities, who were less likely than whites to have such IDs (despite the fact that they’re easily obtainable from the state).

Except that voter ID laws, particularly in the age of mass illegal immigration and dead people finding their way onto U.S. voter rolls, are more than just legal – they’re absolutely necessary.

Which you’d think would be a welcome change among liberals, what with their fun new obsession with election integrity and all.