Lululemon Fires Employees Who Called 911 on Looters

Sarah Merly | May 31, 2023
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Early last week, Target loomed large in conservatives’ boycott list as the store partnered with a Satanist designer to sell LGBT-oriented children’s clothes. Over Memorial Day weekend, Kohl’s joined the list, selling, among several other items, a baby onesie emblazoned with a "Pride" parade cartoon.

This week, another popular clothing store may be joining Target and Kohl’ s – but not for shoving the LGBT agenda down children’s throats. A Lululemon store in Georgia reportedly fired two employees, Jennifer Ferguson and Rachel Rogers, after they called 911 on two looters.

Video from the incident taken by the employees shows two masked men running through the store grabbing expensive merchandise from displays before running with armloads of stolen loot out the front door.

Ferguson and Rogers then did what any sensible person might do - they called the cops. But according to the store's policy, that's a big no-no.

Related: ‘Boycott Target’ Song Reaches #1 on iTunes

“We are not supposed to get in the way,” said Ferguson after the incident. “You kind of clear path for whatever they’re going to do. And then, after it’s over, you scan a QR code. And that’s that. We’ve been told not to put it in any notes, because that might scare other people. We’re not supposed to call the police, not really supposed to talk about it."

Indeed, few media outlets are reporting on the incident, and most of them are relatively conservative. Why? Likely because of the color of the looters’ skin - which just happened not to be white. 

If the looters were white, then perhaps this story would gain more traction, since that fits the mainstream media’s narrative of toxic white masculinity and the oppression of women. As it is, though, the looters were black, and Lululemon could have just done their part to give black men reparations were it not for those pesky female employees. 

As “Pride month” comes up, the bombardment of obnoxious pride displays is inevitable, and we must resist. At the same time, we must keep an eye out for other aspects of the woke agenda – because they don’t just disappear underneath the rainbow veil.

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