Seattle Ciderhouse Taps New Niche: Queer Drinkers Who Dress as Animals

Marya Dunning | February 21, 2024
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LBGTQ – and “F”? In its latest bid to be “inclusive,” Seattle now boasts the nation’s first ciderhouse for queer “furries” – people who like to dress up as animals.

What could possibly go wrong there? As inclusive as Seattle is, a bunch of drunken people who dress (and sometimes identify) as animals is bound to ruffle some feathers.

The city, which has a long history of welcoming controversial subcultures - such as intravenous drug users, illegal aliens and the LGBTQ community – now has “Slightly Furry,” a taphouse dedicated to an even more obscure niche. 

Billed as the “the only queer, openly-furry cidery in the US, and maybe the world,” the ultra-specific niche bar and brewery opened its doors last weekend, to what its owners described as an “insane” turnout. While furries are more likely than not to be LGBTQ+, the establishment is still catering to drinkers who are a subgroup of a subgroup.

It does, however, give “hair of the dog” a whole new meaning, when it comes to furries with hangovers.

The owners of the cidery, Aaron Kalin and Ray Araldi (also known as Martini the Fox and Spork the Rabbit, respectively) moved to Seattle, which hosts a large furry convention known as Anthro Northwest, in 2022 to make their cidery dreams a reality.

Even before they opened the cidery, Kalin and Araldi sold their cider, known as Leg Up, at both furry and cider conventions.

The product, known for its rather interesting furry-based packaging design featuring anthropomorphic animals posing seductively, even once made waves on Tumblr when somebody posted a picture of the drink and captioned it “only in seattle.”

For once, I agree with the furries. There are so many factors here that can be called insane - though probably not in the way that they would like.

However, the oddly specific description of the bar raises some questions - how much more specific can these niche subcultures get? What will be the next subculture that Seattle will pander to? Do I even want to know?

I also can’t help but wonder if their cider has a bite to it.