Maxine Waters Tells Trump, 'We Did Not Ask You to Be President'

Brittany M. Hughes | October 27, 2017

Maxine Waters has officially lost her mind. Of course, that’s assuming she had one to begin with, a theory that’s looking less and less likely.

The 79-year-old California Democratic congresswoman upended her bag of mental marbles Thursday during a half-crazed rant against Donald Trump, spoken before a left-wing mob of fanatics in South Carolina who made up for their lack of literal pitchforks with hyperventilating hatred and silly chants.

“This message goes out from Orangeburg as it goes out from so many places in this country,” Waters shrieked, in a message directed at Trump himself. “We did not ask for a fight with you. We did not ask you to be president. We don’t know how you made it. But now that you’re there and you don’t understand that you don’t belong there, and we don’t intend for you to stay there, the fight is on.”

Allow me to clear this up for Ms. Waters, who somehow managed to make it all the way to the halls of Congress without understanding how the American electoral process works. I’ll use small words and simple terms.

Contrary to Waters’ wild and inane ranting, a whole mess of people did ask Donald Trump to be president – about 63 million of them, in fact. A great big bunch of them lived in key states like Michigan, which gave Trump a lot of electoral votes. At the end of the election, he had more electoral votes than Hillary Clinton. That’s how he “made it.” This really isn’t rocket science.

Then again, maybe it is to the woman who, in addition to not understanding how a president gets elected, also doesn’t understand the impeachment process.

“And you think we’re going to stand back and let something like 45 take it away from us? I say no. I say impeach 45! Impeach 45! Impeach 45! Impeach 45!” she chanted Thursday.

Unfortunately for Waters – and fortunately for the tens of millions of Americans who voted for Trump – chanting “impeach!” over and over doesn’t actually boot anyone from office based on the fact that you don’t like them.

Kind of like how saying Trump shouldn’t be president doesn’t suddenly make him not one.