Media Completely Ignores Clinton Wall Street Transcripts

Zach Montanaro | October 10, 2016

Unsurprisingly, the media once again can’t even be bothered to try and hide their bias.

As reported by Newsbusters, ABC, CBS, and NBC spent an exorbitant amount of time covering the released audio clip of Republican nominee Donald Trump, while at the same time almost completely ignoring the transcripts of Clinton’s speeches to Wall Street that were released by WikiLeaks.

Based on an MRC analysis of the networks, 103 minutes of coverage were given to the released Trump tapes from Friday night to Sunday night. In comparison, just 8 minutes were given to the Clinton emails during the same time.

Dan Harris of Good Morning America made a brief note of the unbalanced coverage while speaking to analyst Matt Dowd, saying “On any other morning we’d be leading with a story that broke overnight about Hillary Clinton, these leaked excerpts of highly paid speeches she gave to elite Wall Street firms..."

Dowd agreed that it wasn’t a good story for Clinton, but added “This is getting totally lost....When you compare it to what Donald Trump is going through, there’s no comparison.”

Yes, poor media. They could cover the Clinton email leaks, but their hands are just simply tied by all the Trump tapes they must discuss ad nauseam.

It’s no surprise that Americans’ trust in the media has sunk to record lows.

Someone should tell the higher-ups at these networks that it is indeed possible to cover both stories at once.

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